This post is brought to you by the number 8!

Posted by Rebecca on February 27, 2015 · 1 min read

It's been 8 days since I've last written. My birthday is coming up on the 8th, and well I just like the number/infinity symbol. I'm very happy to realize today that my life is pretty drama free these days. I work, I do projects, I hang out with friends, I go on disastrous dates that amuse me on the rare occasion, and the growth happening is phenomenal.

Granted there was some amount of kicking and screaming and arguing that happened, and the occasional insertion of discontent that lead to this point. I don't want to identify as other than a world traveler yet. I don't have a clue as to how to drive my trailer around, much less where to go with it, when, and how advanced of reservations I should make. I think it's one of those cases where if I'm concerned about reserving space early, it's probably all filled up by now! There's a lot of things to figure out, emotional/mental states that arise, attachments to ideas that aren't true or serving me, but holy moly how great is it to again see it for what it is.