
Posted by Rebecca on March 08, 2015 · 1 min read

At last! A Facebook link led to an article about how writing **** down is good for your overall health. Unlike sitting. Seriously, sitting is dangerous to ones health? Live 15 minutes shorter and take a seat.

This blog is justified and now I can take the cost of hosting out of my taxes as health benefits. It's like eating kale, or taking in just the right amount of sunshine, writing down these random and vulnerable trains of thought is as good for me as wine or chocolate. Possibly better, if less tasty.

Not that any of us are as keenly tuned to our total health as any of us feels we should be. Sometimes being healthful is giving into the lazy, or slow, or realizing that you can hear your own blood rushing through your veins if you just listen. If I've learned anything over the last few years - slow down and enjoy - would be the simplest summation.

There's nothing better than right now.

A recent podcast interview with a life coach - a title that somehow grates on me - had an idea that has stuck with me. Loosely described: It takes more energy to contain the stream of life that is our true nature than to let it flow through you. Or in other words, not being the total you you are in any given moment is a far more difficult and painful path than living with an ear to the rush of blood pulsing through you.

Life is just that simple and its the most beautiful experience, now realized, now real.